Early beginnings

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Early Beginnings

Ages 7 through 10

Once again, it is the usual suspects for subject here, with an oddity here or there. You will see the unmistakably crustacean-like form of Jules Verne’s Nautilus rendered here by what can only be a very, very young hand. Also, Lon Chaney Sr. makes his appearance as the “Phantom of the OPRA” 

Three things stand out to me here. First, you can see that even at a tender early age I was drawn to iconic images of things with a strong appreciation for the power of line itself. The composition is bizarrely just as good as anything I am doing currently at age 38.  The second item of interest that you may notice is my primitive attempts at depth and proportion. The foreground arm of the scarecrow figure passes in front of the body and you CAN’T see through the arm. The same is seen on the beak of what must be a stylized vulture in the picture below it. You also notice some early detailed work from spiderman’s intricate costume, and the robot’s speech grid to early attempts at shading. The third article of interest is that of the clear focus on action. I like the stark icon just the same, but I always remember drawing with the idea in mind that something was going on. You can look at a picture and see hints of what the next picture would be if there were one.

These little gems are very special to me, but my absolute favorite is the first one; depicting a gigantic reptile in top hat and tails playing trumpet for an equally monstrous robot with an eyeball for a head. Who said invading alien monsters don’t appreciate the occasional music break. I love the whimsy which permeates this drawing. The thing I like about it the most is that I cannot remember having any particular inspiration for this idea. Every other drawing I have done shows it’s inspiration. But with this one, if you are like me, you come upon it and simply state “Wha?” It is possibly the purest expression straight from my imagination ever. It makes my heart ache with laughter every time I see it. I love it! I hope you do too.

Brian VoX 2005

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