VOXART - The Artwork Of Brian Vox

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Worlds of Wonder

Art. Illustration. Rendering. Painting. What to call it? Here again is a sampling of some of My artwork.

Over the past few years it seemed that my artistic output was meager. What I then realized is that it has been merely varied. I have re-created many of my older pen and ink pieces via computer enhancements. I have explored a totally new world in 3-D Computer rendering, where you literally build every object from the ground up and then swoop into that world as a virtual photographer of your creations. I have created music from hard electronic rock to orchestrated instrumentals. I have worked in Ultraviolet light effect paints. Built sets and designed posters. And most recently I have even begun to experiment with acrylics, charcoal, colored pencils, and even pastels. In short, I guess I’ve really been far busier than I had thought.

I have created for you here more of a retrospective of all kinds of artwork throughout my life. Here you will find a cross section of all kinds of art. In the creation of this site I have uncovered lost treasures of drawings from my earliest years, to the most current painting done just a week ago. The collection here is divided into various categories from childhood to the computer and beyond. Join me in a walk down memory lane where we will find childhood fantasies and future dreams alike.

The subjects are at times consistent, the interests sometimes obsessive. The execution varied, the explorations exciting. This website project will be exciting for me, and I hope it is for you as well. You can see the earliest development of technique, and looking through to later years see what the developments came to. Amazing to me upon finding some of the oldest drawings are their absolutely striking similarity to pictures created 30 years later. An early drawing of the Nautilus Submarine resting on the surface of the sea is nearly identical to a fully 3-D rendered computer art picture I created just last year. A picture of a scarecrow I drew when I was a little boy could easily be the “pre-production sketch” of the 7-foot scarecrow that stands sentinel in the front of our yearly Halloween show. They say some things never change, and this website is physical proof.

It amazes me how the vast work covered in these pages is still only a fairly random sampling of all the work it represents. Art has always been my private place. A place where I am creator, answerable to no one but myself usually. The creation of art is more an exercise of the self than a creation of any kind of product. I have found I am truly content to create for myself and only the closest to me with the odd project for commercial use. I am hoping however that you, the viewer of this site, will enjoy it just the same.

It has been an exciting journey so far. In my minds eye I have not only lived on planet Earth for 38 years, but uncountable lifetimes as well. I have been to the bottom of the sea, to the moon and back. I have explored the dangerous primordial jungles to get a glimpse of titanic beast of prehistory and lived to tell the tale. I have fought mighty battles alongside valiant warriors and conquered entire worlds. I have even created an entire community and the infrastructure surrounding it all inside a computer where I can go sightseeing any time I wish. All of these things and more have been mine, just for the price of a pencil or pen. This is the magic of art and illustration.

Once upon a time two friends made a pact. Ray Harryhausen and Ray Bradbury promised each other as school age chums never to grow old and to never stop loving dinosaurs. I have chosen to join their pact. Journey with me now into my most private of dreams, my most exciting of worlds. Share with me the never-ending exploration of the fantastic. Browse the site and enjoy. Take up the call for adventure and follow me into worlds of wonder.

Brian VoX December 2005

Please ask before using any images. If you do wish to use any images, you may find that I am really quite accommodating.

What's New?

06/08/06 - Guestbook is up and a few minor changes to the Home page. Check out the link to the arcade. Fun stuff.

06/01/06 - New Site Going. I am just beginning here. Hope you all enjoy.


So take a walk around, there will soon be more to come! Please let us know what you think by signing the guestbook. We'd love to hear from you!


Questions? Comments? Commissions? Contact Mr. Vox by clicking below.